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call me liz.

Born and raised in Milwaukee, I have a deep appreciation for the changing seasons, oversized vintage sweaters, true crime podcasts, and memoirs. A true Taurus, I love creating cozy environments for myself and my family.

I take pride in saying I'm from the Midwest. My years of travel have only enriched the love I have for my hometown with its warm embrace and ever-evolving social scene. 

I'm inspired by people I've never met but feel like I've come to know through the images they share. It's the details of their unique lives and work that circulate through various social channels that I find the most impactful. I'm passionate about the way social media can connect and inspire others.

I have a wide variety of creative interests including interior decoration, styling, hand-lettering, reading memoirs, and experimenting with new recipes. I love learning new things and experimenting with both digital and tactile design. Aside from my creative endeavors, I find calmness and inspiration from nature. Whether it’s making room for another houseplant, downhill skiing or hiking the Blue Ridge Mountains, I find my happy place in nature.

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